Is FITUR 2022 at Risk?

Is FITUR 2022 at Risk?

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The challenge of celebrating the most important tourism fair in Europe during the sixth wave of COVID-19

FITUR is, without a doubt, one of the most important meetings of the year in terms of tourism. This historic fair, in which some of the most interesting projects have been forged in recent decades, attracts a multitude of agents from the public-private sector, governmental and institutional delegations, the media from all over the world and, also, a large number of attendees of all kinds.

It is a mandatory appointment for the international tourism sector, in which topics, modalities, proposals and synergies that affect all types of existing tourism (among which is also the GITT sector) are addressed.

The attendance of numerous ministerial and institutional delegations motivates that FITUR is one of the key events for the outbreak of the annual tourist season.

In the current context, strongly marked by the COVID-19 pandemic, which advances unevenly depending on the continent, level of vaccination of the population and, FITUR is presented as a challenge of transcendental importance for the Tourism industry and all the agents involved in it.

The Tourism restart, which began fully throughout the year 2021, requires the continuous effort of the public-private sector, which now, more than ever, is in full collaboration both nationally and internationally. The tourist impulse is a crucial issue since millions of jobs and an unbeatable infrastructure depend directly on Tourism..

Achieving this reactivation, looking towards sustainable tourism according to the new challenges and needs, requires this aforementioned understanding among all the agents of the industry. And it is precisely there, where government and institutional trips play a fundamental role, not only because they form their own market niche that lacks seasonality, but also because they are those that allow or channel this understanding and the way to face the new challenges.

TOP-GOVERSYS will attend this important event one more year. In 2022 we will present a great package of solutions, through our vertical platform, in which we have taken into account the challenges of 21st century Tourism and, above all, the importance of Governmental and Institutional Travels and Tourism.

FITUR 2022 is going to be held in a very particular context, and its scheduled date, at the end of January 2022, coincides with the appearance of the new variant of COVID-19, Ómicron. That is why, at least tentatively, its celebration, in operational and practical terms, becomes essential to face the aforementioned challenges towards which the industry is heading. For this reason, we will be especially attentive to the immediate events and information related to FITUR 2022, especially taking into account recent precedents such as the cancellation of the ITB Berlin, or the postponement of the Davos Summit for next summer.

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