• Human beings have been moving around the world practically since the beginning of their existence. The instinct of homo sapiens has always led us to explore and colonize different territories, thus giving rise to the cities, states and countries in which we now live.

  • In the middle of the 20th century, during the early stages of the Cold War, the tension between the Western bloc, led by the United States, and the Eastern bloc, led by the Soviet Union (USSR), triggered a series of conflicts on all continents, one of the most important being the outbreak of the Cuban Revolution (1953-1959), which ended with the victory of the communist revolutionaries, the US trade embargo on the country and the consequent rapprochement of the new Cuban government to the postulates of the USSR.

  • Many episodes in the history of mankind, and unfortunately, although increasingly isolated, in our present, have been marked by war. These dark events, which pit two or more factions against each other using force and weapons, paralyze almost all daily activities. However, despite the escalation of war, there is usually a continuous effort, or willingness, on the part of both sides, as well as third parties, to settle the conflict as soon as possible.

  • Although the travel of governments and institutions has evolved significantly in recent decades, it is true that they experienced a major boom during the so-called Cold War, which maintained a constant tension between the Western bloc, led by the United States, and the Eastern bloc, with the Soviet Union (USSR) as a reference.

  • El germen del motorcade, o caravana de autoridades.

    Las caravanas de autoridades, denominadas a veces como presidenciales o, directamente, motorcade, son un fenómeno protocolario y de seguridad con gran trayectoria histórica. En términos absolutos, han existido desde el inicio de la civilización como tal, debido a la necesidad de trasladar, por vía terrestre, a líderes u otro tipo de autoridades entre dos puntos concretos.

  • The origin of the motorcade.

    Autocades, sometimes called presidential motorcades or, directly, motorcades, are a protocol and security phenomenon with a long historical background. In absolute terms, they have existed since the beginning of civilization as such. This is due to the fact that landing movement of leaders or other authorities between two specific points was necessary.

  • The period between 1939 and 1945 marked one of the most devastating events of the 20th century, as well as the greatest war in history: World War II. During this war, most of the world's nations were involved, including all the great powers of the time, grouped into two major forces; on the one hand, the Allies (USA, United Kingdom, France and the Soviet Union), and on the other hand, the Axis (Germany, Italy and Japan). In this context, or rather, at the end of it, the photograph in question was taken.

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