A new Tourism concept

A new Tourism concept

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Due to its very nature, it has been necessary to define and standardize the concept of Governmental and Institutional Tourism (GITT), understood as all those travels and activities that Governmental and High Institutions representatives undertake on official and protocol missions and in all those representation actions of their respective countries in the exercise of their functions.

Due to its very nature, it has been necessary to define and standardize the concept of Governmental and Institutional Tourism (GITT), understood as all those travels and activities that Governmental and High Institutions representatives undertake on official and protocol missions and in all those representation actions of their respective countries in the exercise of their functions.

Such definition allows the establishment and regulation of behaviour standards that will directly affect on a positive way the sustainability of the sector. Furthermore it favours specialization and professionalization of tourism and cultural suppliers beneficiaries of the mentioned travels and activities on the institutional field. These travels do not exclusively include accommodation, transportation and gastronomic services; there are multiple general activities with supplementary activities not necessarily touristic that could be accomplished as a consequence of the governmental travel itself.

The standard developed by Tourism Optimizer Platform has as an objective to regulate and help suppliers and clients alike on the actions performed for the rendering of services and for their organisation.

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