Tourism Recovery

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As an entity specialized in the travel of governments and high institutions, GOVERSYS joins the actions aimed at reactivating tourism. We have launched these new solutions and initiatives designed to reactivate tourism, thus helping countries and regions in their recovery.

Sustainable Development Goals

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In TOP-GOVERSYS we are firmly committed to the set of 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development. Therefore, from our social media networks, we celebrate the 5th anniversary of the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development. 

GITT Suppliers: Tips for meeting the SDGs

GITT Suppliers: Tips for meeting the SDGs

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The awareness of society in recent decades regarding sustainable development and care for the planet had its result at the end of 2015, when the United Nations promoted an initiative that would give continuity to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). After a negotiation process involving 193 UN member states, a series of global goals were adopted with very clear purposes: to protect the planet, eradicate poverty and ensure international prosperity. These goals were approved at a summit held in New York through a high-level plenary meeting of the United Nations General Assembly, and were included in the so-called Sustainable Development Agenda - or Agenda 2030 - through 17 goals, or Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), to be achieved by that date.

General Process for GITT travels organization

General Process for GITT travels organization

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Governments and high institutions organize their travels systematically either through internal Travel Units (centralized or by department) or through Travel Agencies. In many countries those agencies are chosen by means of a public tender.

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