General Process for GITT travels organization

General Process for GITT travels organization

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Governments and high institutions organize their travels systematically either through internal Travel Units (centralized or by department) or through Travel Agencies. In many countries those agencies are chosen by means of a public tender.

Governments and high institutions organize their travels systematically either through internal Travel Units (centralized or by department) or through Travel Agencies. In many countries those agencies are chosen by means of a public tender. In other cases the employees from those Departments (civil servants) are directly in charge of organising and even selecting the suppliers onsite by themselves.

We should emphasized the role of the Embassies and Consulates at the destination country, as they actively collaborate on the organisation of the travel of each Delegation of reference.

Once again we should underscore the complexity of the organization of the GITT travels not only due to the specific connotations they own but also due to the very nature of clients of such singularity and because of the diversity of status, events and needs that this sector intrinsically has.

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