Egypt is ready to host COP27 in November

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The United Nations Conferences on Climate Change have been held since 1995 under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), serving as a formal meeting of the parties (Conference of the Parties, COP) to the UNFCCC. The process that resulted in the holding of these summits began in 1992, after the Rio Summit, and they have been held every year with the intention of assessing the progress of nations in addressing climate change and preserving the environment.

Sharm el Sheikh (Hansjoerg Eberle)

The 27th United Nations Climate Conference will take place between November 6 and 18, 2022 in Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt. This edition will be a key meeting, practically historic, on a par with the famous Kyoto Protocol, or the most recent Paris Summit, due to the climate and energy emergency that the entire international community is currently facing.

On this basis, COP 27 is expected to be the third most important meeting point for world leaders on a major scale, after events such as the NATO Summit in Madrid or the upcoming United Nations General Assembly. In the North African country, numerous urgent international issues will be debated this autumn, with the aim of seeking and finding a consensus that will enable the implementation of measures to curb, and in the future reverse, the serious situation that our planet is experiencing due to the growing climate change.

The continuous droughts in both hemispheres, the oscillation of extreme temperatures, with very hot summers and cold winters, the high pollution in practically all urban centers, the commitment to green energy, etc., are issues that, once again, will be put on the table at the COP, although in this case, with much greater speed and concern in comparison with previous editions.

In addition to all this, the Glasgow Pact reached, after more than 24 extra hours of debates, in the last 26th edition of the conference, highlights the importance and need for a new edition to be held, as it represents a hope for dialogue in order to make progress in financial, climate and sustainability matters.

At the COP climate summits, the issues addressed are of the utmost importance for the planet, making it absolutely necessary for the world's top leaders to attend. This implies a very large number of GITT (Governmental and Institutional Travel and Tourism) trips, which will once again be shown in this edition.

In addition, this type of event is not only attended by representatives of the international public sector, but also by all those scientists and businessmen who travel to attend these summits, which makes them an important meeting point between the public and private sectors. This relationship between sectors from different fields is intimately connected with the GITT trips, since, on occasions, these businessmen and scientists travel together with governmental representatives as part of the Delegation.

Sharm el Sheikh (Tanya Dedyukhina)

The COP climate change conferences have stood out, year after year, as an eminently GITT event. Their promotion and development within the framework of the United Nations Summit on Climate Change, means that participation in them, and therefore the travel of a large number of leaders from different countries to the places chosen to host them, as well as the commitment of the countries to the decisions taken at them, have been key in the development of politics and international relations for almost two decades now.

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